Another post..

Hello blog readers! I would like to give a shout out to all of you reading up on my experience out here in Arizona. The past few days here have been awesome. The temperature has been in the high 70s and perfect for fall baseball. The last two days the Phoenix Desert Dogs have taken on the Peoria Javelinas, once at home and once on the road. Yesterday we fell to those guys, but we avenged them at their place today. I played right field yesterday and left field today. I am starting to get in baseball shape again after not playing for roughly a month and a half. What I mean by that is I am not waking up and feeling like my body has been punched by Kimbo Slice! I can also report that I know the names of everyone on my team now so its no longer “nice swing big guy” or “way to throw it buddy.”

Today was also the first day that we had a show and go. Apparently, Peoria was pounded with rain yesterday and the field was a little to wet to take BP and infield. No complaints on this end! We were trailing just about the whole game but came through with some clutch late hits, including a 2-run bomb to dead center from Brandon Laird, who normally is playing in the outfield but today was over at the social corner of first base. 
After the game, we came back, grabbed some food, showered and departed the clubhouse. I, along with my Braves teammates got our lift on at the Pure Fitness, where we got a membership for the duration of the fall league. Tomorrow we are back at it but at home taking on the Surprise Rafters. Also, tomorrow night I am going to a Phoenix Suns  pre-season game with my agent, to see Steve Nash take on the Denver Nuggets. 

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