this week in the AFL

where to start?? First, I would like to apologize to my loyal readers. Since this past wednesday was my 23rd birthday and my parents flew out to visit me, I haven’t felt the urge to sit down and blog about the past few days. I had a terrific time with the rents this week and they brought me some good luck as well! my first game that they saw me play in out here I went 4-4 with a bomb! Homers dare few and far between for me so I was excited that both my mom and pops were there to see me hit it. 

On Sunday, I accompanied my parents in some site seeing. We (by we I mean my mother) really wanted to see some of the mountains of arizona and as she calls it “getting culture.” We saw some amazing views and there was a span of 26 miles where we were on unpaved roads, meandering through tons of countryside. Our Chevy Aveo was the perfect vehicle to navigate the terrain… sike! It might be the noisiest riding car on the west coast. We got lunch in Tortilla Flats, which is a pretty cool little tourist attraction. The entire restaurant was lined wall to wall with dollar bills from people who have visited. the food was… eh but the experience was nice! notice the walls…
As for the baseball, Us Desert dogs have been on the losing side of a few games as of late. for some reason we cant seem to get many clutch hits or keep runners opposing batters off the base paths. I am confident we will turn it around here soon, there are too many talented guys on our team for us to keep losing. 
On a side note, my beloved bike was stolen the other day. I am very devastated….
Post Script: Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I am normally not playing baseball when my birthday comes around. Hopefully someday I will have the opportunity to play in the World Series on my birthday! 



    Hey Cory, love the blog. Oscar & I love reading it. A very big congrat’s on the home run & a very happy belated birthday. Luv Tammy


    Congrats on the homer! Josh and I love reading your blog. Josh said “you gotta get some CULTURE Cory, gotta get some Culture” …. I guess the big Dobson wasnt enough. Keep up the good work so we can all celebrate your bday at the WS one day! Love ya- Josh and Ericka

  3. jkbraves

    Cory, i’ve been a Braves fan for many years.iI’m glad your doing a good job in the az. fall league. I live here in mesa, and would like to see you play. Keep up the good work for the braves, and hope to see you playing for Freddi Gonzalez soon…best of luck, Jim Kloscak


    Cory that stinks you got your bike stolen it was probably a Yankees fan! I did my chop for you so hopefully that helps lol. I enjoy your blogs! I wish you the best and keep up the hard work! Doug

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